Xavier Sierra

Xavier Sierra
Financial Technical Analyst, Trading Systems Developer and Private Trader.
Je parle Français - Hablo Español

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

XL Capital Investment   started its trading activity on the 1st of August 2011 at the nominal price of 10,24  per share /participation.

The price is now 16,46 €

Historic ReturnMay 2012
Number of shares 11
Share Price of acquisition10,24 €15,85
Total € invested10,24 €15,85
Share Current price 16,46 €16,46
Profit6,22 €0,61 €
Interest Won %60,70%3,82%
RETURN OF MAY 2012 :                     + 3,82  %
RETURN OF APRIL 2012 :                 + 4,07  %
RETURN OF MARCH 2012 :              + 2,97  %
RETURN OF FEBRUARY 2012 :       + 4,15 %
RETURN OF JANUARY 2012 :       + 3,02%
RETURN OF DECEMBER 2011 :        + 1,46%
RETURN OF NOVEMBER 2011 :        + 4,18 %
RETURN OF OCTOBER 2011:            + 5,13%
RETURN OF SEPTEMBER 2011:       + 7,46%
RETURN OF AUGUST 2011:                 + 12,70%
I have fixed new products deposit for minimum 6 months.
For more info please contact me.
Je propose de nouveaux placement fixe de 6 mois a un taux d'intérêt très intéressant
Pour plus d'info, n' hésitez pas a me contacter
Ofrezco nuevos deposito a 6 meses con un tipo muy interesante
Para más información por favor no dudes en contactar conmigo

April 2012

XL Capital Investment   started its trading activity on the 1st of August 2011 at the nominal price of 10,24  per share /participation.

The price is now 15,85 €
 Historic ReturnApril 2012
Number of shares 11
Share Price of acquisition10,24 €15,23
Total € invested10,24 €15,23
Share Current price 15,85 €15,85
Profit5,61 €0,62 €
Interest Won %54,79%4,07%
RETURN OF APRIL 2012 :                 + 4,07  %
RETURN OF MARCH 2012 :              + 2,97  %
RETURN OF FEBRUARY 2012 :       + 4,15 %
RETURN OF JANUARY 2012 :       + 3,02%
RETURN OF DECEMBER 2011 :        + 1,46%
RETURN OF NOVEMBER 2011 :        + 4,18 %
RETURN OF OCTOBER 2011:            + 5,13%
RETURN OF SEPTEMBER 2011:       + 7,46%
RETURN OF AUGUST 2011:                 + 12,70%