Xavier Sierra

Xavier Sierra
Financial Technical Analyst, Trading Systems Developer and Private Trader.
Je parle Français - Hablo Español

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Trading Results

28/10/2010B9:03106229:2110605-17-170 €-170 €
28/10/2010B9:32105759:561160732320 €150 €
Estado de la Cuenta de Interdin.com  :
Fecha y Hora: 28/10/2010 16:35:40
Saldos :
Saldo en Tiempo Real: 5942.3
Disponible para Operar: 5942.3
Retenciones de Saldo :
Garantias por Posición Abierta: 0
Garantias por Ordenes Vigentes: 0
Bloqueado para Sistemas Autom.: 0
Operativa en Interdin.com :
Resultado Hoy: 142.3
Resultado acumulado: 142.3
Operativa con Sistemas Automatizados:
Resultado Hoy: 0
Resultado acumulado: 0
 We are now trading for  real.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Trading Results

27/10/2010B9:04106509:061066515150 €Simulation
27/10/2010S9:16106529:241063517170 €(+360€)

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


Never brake those rules.
• Trading hours: From 9:00 to 12:00. Ideal hours untill 10:30 / 11:00.
• Number of trades per day: 5 trades Maximum. Ideal 2 or 3 trades per day.
• Maximum loss permitted on a single trade: -20 points.

Only 3 rules for now.. Those Rules have to become habits, doing them automatically, without questioning or even thinking.
After 21 days of respecting those rules they will become habits. Repetition is key to create habits. Don't question it or find excuses JUST DO IT.

Live your life with passion.

Resume of the Trading

A couple of things to never forget.. "Anything can happen"
Think in Probability all the time and get the money out of your mind when you trade,"Think in points"
I did 4 trades today and I respected my stop loss. i will be every day repeating myself about "respecting the Stop loss", but this is such an important point, that is the base, without that base, it is impossible to progress trading. Also concentrate on what you want and not what you don't want.

26/10/2010B9:47107209:5110708-12-120 €Simulation
26/10/2010B9:541067710:241069013130 €Simulation
26/10/2010S10:291068810:3110706-18-180 €Simulation
26/10/2010S10:321070611:201068521210 €(+40€)

Live your life with passion

Monday, 25 October 2010

Almost ready to start

Ok, I have open my account with Interdin futuros and got online chart with Visual Chart.
Now I need to put some money in interdin futuros for the guarantees to trade on the futuribex 35. I will do the transfer tomorrow.

I have done my analysis this evening and
decided on my entrance and exit prices, calculated the pivots points, my leva prices also. Had a look on the daily charts , the 60 minutes, the 12 minutes and the 4 minutes charts or mountains as my daughters call them" those charts looks like mountains they say all the time.
So I am ready for trading tomorrow morning. I will start in simulation for the rest of the week and will start trading for real next Tuesday 2nd of November. I need to get back in the wave and the rhythm, check out the volume of the future, check out the volatility, and also my pulse. I have very clear what I want and the market is not going to de concentrate me, I won't loose the concentration.

So check out my result tomorrow morning, after trading I will post my results straight away with some comments and also the chart. The market opens at 9:00 and I plan to trade until 11:00.

Live your life with passion.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Habits of a successful Trader

• Take complete responsibility
• Have a system that fits you.
• Plan a trade and trade your plan
• Work hard at learning how to trade properly and keep working
• Positive self believe
• View trading as a score in points and not in money

Don't expect to become a professional trader and consistent winner after a month of trading. It can take years for you to be a consistent winner. Never lose the respect to the market, be always vigilant of your emotions and be always alert and concentrated at 100%.

Think in probability, it is not about being right or wrong. Nobody is right all the time or wrong all the time. Learn first how to lose and control your loss and then learn how to win.

The best is to plan your trade when the market is closed and trade your plan when the market opens. Don't let your emotions control you, learn how to interpret your emotions, don't try to avoid them or even worse ignore them.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Interesting day and good day for me ..the first trade was a buy, at pivot point putting a stop loss at -20, 24 minutes and i was able to take a 20 points profit. For my second ......  
22/10/2010B9:09105469:351056620200 €Example
22/10/2010S9:551060010:231057525250 €Example
22/10/2010B10:351055010:4510535-15-150 €Example

Click Picture to enlarge